Trickery (Curse of the Gods, #1) by Jaymin Eve and Jane Washington

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Willa Knight: Dweller. Slave. Non-magical being.

In Minatsol, being a dweller means that you are literally no better than dirt. In fact, dirt might actually be more useful than Willa. Her life will be one of servitude to the sols, the magic-blessed beings who could one day be chosen to become gods.

At least her outer village is far removed from the cities of the sols, and she won’t ever be forced to present herself to them... Until one small mistake changes everything, and Willa is awarded a position to serve at Blesswood, the top sol academy in the world—a position that she definitely did not earn.

Under the sudden, watchful eye of the gods, she will be tasked to serve the Abcurse brothers, five sols built of arrogance, perfection and power. They are almost gods themselves, and under their service she is either going to end up sentenced to death, or else they are going to ruin her so badly that she will wish for it.

Either way, she is in trouble.


HOLY HELL ya'll! That kind of sums up what my thoughts were when Trickery sadly ended. To say I loved it is an understatement.

I started reading this mainly because well, I loved the cover. Yes I AM one of those. Aren't we all? I might have loved the cover, but upon reading the reviews and synopsis I completely expected going into it that I was actually in fact going to hate it and more then likely i was going to throw it in the DNF pile. You see, I detest love triangles. I hate them so much that I typically refuse to even read a book that hints of one. Thank god that the cover caught my eye on this one because a love pentagon sounded a bit much for me.

You know what? A love pentagon totally worked with book. It is actually one of the things that in fact made it amazing. I suppose it is more to the fact that Willa, our main character, wasnt warring the entire book over who to choose, and the relationships just were accepted and co existed. I should also say there isn't actually romance in this. There a suffocating amount of sexual tension as the book goes on, and the relationship of Willa with the Abcruse brothers is more then friends, but not romantic. You can tell those feelings are there though.

Let's talk about Willa Knight. She is beyond clumsy and very outgoing, I was scared the over-the-top clumsiness wasn't going to work or get old as the book went on, but it didn't. I found Willa to be extremely likeable and I really enjoyed her as the main character. She is a very loyal person and someone who doesn't want trouble, trouble always seems to find her. i do feel like she grew through out the first book and I look foward to finding out how she will change throughout the five book series.

The Abcurse brothers. HOLY. SMOKES. They make me wish my husband had five brothers who were hot in the own way and we all were connected. Three of the brothers are my favorite, but I love all of them for different reasons. They each have a different gift, because of that each one adds something different to the story and to Willa. I really don't want her to choose one at some point in the story.  I am afraid she will be forced too, but the team of six works so good together. The way they fit together is effortless, and I never even gave the five brothers one girl thing a second thought after I started the book. I can't imagine not having it now and I dont want it to end.... ever.

Needless to say, I 100% reccomend this. It has moments of humour, swoon worthy moments, and dark moments. It does have sexually tension, but there is no sexual incounters not really, but my god you dont even realize. If you havent yet check it. out.  

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